
线上博彩网址可以接受任何一个 FAFSA or TASFA to determine student eligibility for federal 和/or 状态 financial aid.  The FREE application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) is available for 所有 US citizens.  FAFSA于10月1日开始下一学年.  德州申请州财政援助(TASFA)适用于所有非美国公民的德州居民.  TASFA将于10月1日开始下一学年的学习.



那么,什么是经济援助呢? 经济援助包括奖学金, 奖助金, 贷款, 和 employment opportunities to help students finance college 和 other postsecondary education.  财政援助资源的目的是补充, 而不是取代, 家庭的经济资源.

经济援助主要分为两类: (即以业绩为基础的援助.

  • 助学金 颁发给由联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)确定的经济资格的学生。.
  • 以业绩为基础的援助 is gener所有y given to students in recognition of special skills, 人才, 和/或学术成就.

经济援助的主要目的是帮助学生支付高等教育的费用, 请记住,这并不能免除父母支付子女教育费用的主要责任.  为了实现这一目标, 必须评估家庭支付教育费用的经济能力,以便公平公正地分配有限的资源.



在申请联邦学生资助时, the information you report on the “Free Application for Federal Student 援助 “, 或“FAFSA”, is used to calculate your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). 用于计算EFC的公式是由联邦法律规定的,用于根据您的家庭收入来衡量您的家庭经济实力, 资产, family size 和 number of family members in post-secondary education. EFC用于确定您是否有资格获得联邦学生援助以及其他学生援助计划. Cost of attendance (COA) is also referred to as a budget. Financial need is determined by subtracting the EFC from the COA. 请看下面的公式.

Cost of attendance – Expected Family Contribution = Financial Need


Financial Need – Other Outside Assistance = Eligibility for Need-Based 援助 (奖助金, 资助学生贷款及勤工俭学)


Scholarship funding is available through HSU, for those who have 申请入学. 一旦你被录取,你将收到你符合资格的奖学金通知(见 线上博彩网址机构奖学金). 点击这里查看你的申请状态.

To start the process of obtaining financial aid, fill out the 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). 此表格必须在网上填写. Online applications require an FSA ID for both you 和 a parent or guardian. FAFSA可能从10月1日开始发送到HSU. 1. FAFSA是基于两年以前的税务信息,是一份必须每年提交的文件. Some funding is limited, so for priority processing, submit the form as soon as possible each year. 一定要包括HSU的代码:003571.

The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student 援助) is used to evaluate your 和 your family’s ability to pay for your education; however, t在这里 are some specific situations that may result in an inaccurate assessment of this ability.

回顾一下这些情况, 我们使用特殊情况审查, which 所有ows you 和 your family to document your individual financial situation.  Our committee will then determine if we are able to provide additional financial aid.

如果你正面临下面列出的情况之一, 请考虑申请特殊情况审查.


  • 损失的就业.
  • 分居或离婚(只有当父母/继父母双方的收入都包括在FAFSA中,并且在FAFSA提交后发生分居或离婚时,才能进行更改.)
  • Death of parent(s) (if the deceased parent’s income was included on the FAFSA.)
  • Loss of child support (changes can only be made if child support was included on the FAFSA.)
  • 不寻常的医疗费用(FAFSA已经允许一定比例的与医疗费用有关的收入保护津贴.)
  • 灾难性的损失,如自然灾害.
  • 扣减一次性付款(e.g. 退休、薪酬、遣散费)

The following DO NOT qualify as a special circumstance review:

  • 父母拒绝为学生的教育出资.
  • 父母 are unwilling to provide information on the FAFSA or for verification.
  • 父母 do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.
  • 这个学生表现出完全的自给自足.
  • 每年收入的波动.
  • 信用卡或其他个人债务.
  • 标准生活费用.
  • 度假的费用.
  • 所有其他可自由支配开支.


  • T在这里 is no deadline for submitting a Professional Judgment Appeal. 然而,美国.S. 教育部要求你仍然作为学生注册,以便处理上诉.
  • Appeals are typic所有y reviewed within 2-4 weeks after submission. 在繁忙的处理时间(如夏季), 对你的上诉进行评估可能需要更长的时间.
  • If the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) calculated from the FAFSA is zero, 你没有资格完成上诉,因为你目前正在接受联邦最高金额, 状态, 以及你有资格获得的机构资助. 你可以在FAFSA的学生援助报告(SAR)和/或自助服务的经济援助通知上找到你的EFC.
  • 只有本科生才有资格申请.
  • This review does not guarantee that you will receive additional funds.
  • You must complete verification before your special circumstance appeal can be reviewed.
  • Requesting an appeal does not guarantee that you will be granted one.

请填写 专业判决上诉要求表格 解释您要求进行审查的专业判断的合格原因.

特殊情况的决定是最终的. A student cannot appeal to the university president or to the U.S. 教育部. 国会将对联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的数据元素进行调整的权力授权给了大学财政援助管理员, 而且只有学校的财政援助管理员.

你的免费联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA)可能会在一个被称为验证的过程中被选中进行审查. The 教育部 says that before awarding Federal Student 援助, we may ask you to confirm the information you 和 your parents reported on your FAFSA. 验证您提供的信息是否正确, 你学校的经济援助办公室会将你的FAFSA与你提供的文件进行比较. If t在这里 are differences, your FAFSA information may need to be corrected. 如果被选中,您将被引导到您的 校园逻辑学生表格 完成验证所需的步骤. You 和 a parent will be asked to sign a verification webform, 附上所需文件, 并在网上提交表格和其他必要的文件给你学校的财政援助管理员. 你的学校可能会要求你提供额外的信息. 如果您对验证有疑问, 尽快联系你的经济援助管理员,这样你的经济援助就不会被延误.

新的联邦指导方针现在规定,FAFSA验证不能再使用纸质纳税申报表完成. 所有文件必须以官方税务记录或IRS电子数据检索工具的形式直接来自IRS. This IRS Link transfers the necessary tax information directly to your FAFSA.

以下是您的文件和操作列表, which may be required by the federal government to complete your FAFSA Verification.

  1. Provide a SIGNED, completed copy of the Verification Webform through 校园逻辑学生表格.
  2. 受抚养学生-使用IRS数据检索工具转移您父母的联邦纳税申报表信息. 一旦您的税务信息通过IRS链接成功转移,不要忘记电子重新签名并重新提交FAFSA. If your parents did not 和 are not required to file an Income Tax Return, 你可能会被要求提交所有父母的W2表格副本,以及美国国税局的非申报核实函(http://www.irs.gov/ > get your tax record > Get Transcript Online > request “Verification of Non-filing Letter”).  If you (the student) did not 和 are not required to file a 2019 Tax Return, 您可能需要提交所有2019年W2表格的副本以及非申报声明的核实.
  3. 独立学生-使用IRS数据检索工具转移您(和您的配偶)的2019年联邦纳税申报表信息. 一旦您的税务信息成功转移,不要忘记电子签名并重新提交FAFSA. If you did not 和 are not required to file a 2019 Income Tax Return, 您可能需要提交所有您(和/或您的配偶)2019年W2表格的副本以及非申报声明的验证.

真正的德州居民必须提交一份 德州居留确认表格 在获得任何国家赠款或贷款资金之前.

浏览“校外奖学金机会“. 它包含了许多有用的, safe websites 和更多的 than 100 scholarship offers provided to HSU students from numerous donors.

Talk to your high school counselor 和 explore credible websites like www.fastweb.com 了解更多关于外部奖励的可用性. 你当地的图书馆, 报纸, 和 community organizations are also good sources for scholarship information. Your church may offer a scholarship that may also be eligible for matching by HSU. 看到 形式 section for the forms that need to accompany 外面的奖学金.

Beware of scholarship search services that may be scams 和/or frauds. Do not pay for information or services that are provided free elsew在这里.

Once admitted, students can apply for additional scholarship opportunities through 学术中心, 中大捐赠奖学金管理制度, which houses 所有 our departmental scholarship opportunities offered across campus.

一旦被HSU录取, 提交了FAFSA, 并提交验证文件(如适用), 你将收到一份官方的经济援助通知,其中列出了你符合资格的援助类型和金额. 你可以在我们的 学生自助服务网站. 你需要接受 所有 of the financial aid that you want to use for your award year.

如果你有资格并希望在校园工作,并且已经提前注册了下一个长学期, you may apply for one of the many part-time jobs available on campus. Please note that t在这里 are typic所有y more students wanting jobs than t在这里 are available jobs. You can find more information about job fa国税局, seminars, 和 job searching on our 职业服务 页面. By activating your account in our online recruiting platform 握手, 您可以查看校内和校外的空缺职位, 提交你的简历供雇主查看, 请参阅即将举行的活动详情, 查阅职业文件和资源.

如果你已经获得了直接贷款,或者决定你需要寻求家长贷款或私人教育贷款, 请参阅 贷款部分.

A $300 enrollment deposit for 所有 new students must be paid prior to class registration. 押金可以在5月1日之前退还.

请浏览我们的 业务办公室 web页面 for information on the payment of accounts 和 information regarding payment plan options, 退款, 和更多的.

Your feedback will help us to improve our services to you. 您可以访问我们的客户满意度调查 在这里.